Biotope sponsorship of the forestry district Hofbieber
Inspired by the ongoing survey of springs of the Hesse Federation for Cave and Karst Research and the already existing results, the authorities of the forestry district Hofbieber, which are responsible for the Hessian part of the Biosphere Reserve Rhön, has taken over a biotope sponsorship for the habitat "spring". Joint concepts were developed, to safeguard the natural, undisturbed development of the forest springs found within the state's forests. One of the first measurements taken was to mark out the already surveyed springs in the area of the Auersberg near Hilders. For this purpose, the perimeter of the existing spring areas was delineated by blue waved lines on trees or wooden pegs driven into the ground. This measurement is aimed at preventing damages to the spring area during harvesting operations, either by forestry machines, falling trees or storage of stems. Existing skid trails in spring areas were relocated. For the forestry officers, a one-day course on spring protection was conducted.