Sponsoring by local breweries
In 2008, two local breweries, "Hochstiftliches Brauhaus Fulda" and "Will-Bräu Motten", could be won as sponsors for the spring protection program of the Biosphere Reserve Rhön. The breweries donated for 6 weeks (1st of May to 15th of June 2008) 20 cents for each crate of beer sold. Due to the Soccer European championship in Austria and Switzerland at that time, and many Public-Viewing events, the donation added up to a sum of 13,000 Euro. The action was accompanied by lessons about and guided tours to springs for the stuff of the breweries. An information leaflet on the protection of springs was given out with each crate of beer. The Hesse Administration Office of the Biosphere Reserve Rhön printed a leaflet on the springs of the Rhön mountains with a run of 20,000 pieces. [ ]